中学校生活のきまりとてびき 1997  

      • There should be two lines around the black student badge.
      • Only put on and take off one's hat at the school entrance.
    1. Bags
      • Boys and girls must use official school knapsacks and should put them over both shoulders.
      • Do not scribble or put stickers on them.
    2. Winter Clothes
      • Wear student-like clothes, not colorful ones.
      • Inside shirt color should be navy, white, black or gray.
      • Girls shouldn't show sweaters worn underneath uniform.
    3. Gym Clothes
      • Wear official school gym clothes and hats.
      • Gym clothes should fit the body, not be loose.
      • Number plate must be put on one's chest.
      • During summer season (June-Oct), summer gym clothes must be worn.
      • Beginning 1997, 1st year students must wear different sweatshirts each grade.
    4. Cleaning Clothes
      • One must change from school uniform to gym clothes and wear a hat.
    5. Belongings
      • Don't bring unnecessary, valuable things or money. It's necessary to turn them in to the homeroom teacher if they are brought in.
      • One must always must bring their daily planner.
      • One must put one's name on belongings, and keep them in order.
      • Bags should be made from vinyl or cotton, and not be colorful.
    6. Hairstyle
      • Hairstyle should be natural, not fashionable and also should not hinder study and exercise. Student-like hair is acceptable.
    1. Hairstyle Rules
      1. Hair in front should not reach the eyes.
      2. For boys, hair in back should not reach one's neck, if girl's hair is longer than shoulder-length, rubber-bands or braids should be used to keep them in place.
      3. Girls may put the hair on their side to the back but must not braid the sides. (The hairstyle should be such that a hairbrush and mirror are unnecessary.)
    2. Confirmation items (12/1/1994 School rule committee)
      1. It is forbidden to bleach, dye, shave and use hair spray.
      2. It's OK to use hair bands and pins (brown, black, navy). The school sells hair bands.
      3. Helmets and hats must be worn when commuting to school.
  1. Rules for Bike Riding Students
    1. It's OK to ride a bike to school if one lives over 2 km from school, but it's necessary to ask the homeroom teacher and get the principal's permission
    2. Attach the school license plate to the bike used to go to school.
    3. Use the school helmet and tighten the strap.
    4. Don't take any routes other than the agreed upon school route.
    5. The bikes should be as follows:
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