At this time, the Japanese military killed countless number of Chinese people, including women and children(1), and was accused by many foreign countries of the Nanking Massacre. However, the general Japanese population did not know about this fact.

The Japanese military, moreover, advanced to the Chinese hinterland, robbed many Chinese peoples' lives, and created much damage by destroying their lives.

On the other hand, the Nationalist Party and the Communists cooperated and created an anti-Japanese united front, and strengthened a system to resist. The Nationalist government moved to Chonchin (Chinese reading), received help from America, England, France, the Soviet Union and others, and continued to fight. On the map, the Japanese occupied military area expanded but in reality, only stopped the transportation in between cities, so the Chinese military and Communist resistance did not collapse. Given that there was no end in sight of the war, Japan sent more and more military to the continent.

At this time, in Korea also, many resistance organizations were created against Japan. Among the people who escaped, there were some people who continued fighting like Kim Il Sung who played a central role, organized commandos in Manchuria, and united Korean resistance organizations.

(1) The fatality numbers, over these weeks, inside and outside the city area, including women, children and the general population was 70 - 80 thousand, and including soldiers who had thrown away the weapons is said to amount to 200,000.

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